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Division 3: Interior Environment and Lighting Design

Welcome to the homepage of CIE Division 3, one of the six Technical Divisions of the International Commission on Illumination (CIE). 

Anybody interested to contribute to and participate in the technical work of the Division, which is carried out through its Technical Committees, is welcome to contact either the Division Secretary, the Technical Committee chairperson or your country's National Committee of CIE for further information. Attendance at Division meetings is also open to anybody interested in this field.

Terms of Reference

Division 3 is concerned with factors which influence the satisfaction of the occupants of a building with their environment, including the effects of both daylighting and electric lighting.

Its objectives are to study and evaluate those factors to provide guidance on relevant design criteria, to study design techniques (including relevant calculations) for the interior lighting of buildings, to incorporate the findings and those of other CIE divisions into lighting guides for interiors in general or of particular types.

For questions and comments please contact the Division Secretary via CIE Central Bureau.