CIE 043-1979
Division 2
978 3 900734 82 4
This Technical Report recommends the adoption of test procedures that will provide acceptable results in measuring and reporting the photometric characteristics of floodlights. The recommendations are intended to provide a basis for uniform national standards, and to guide industrial photometric laboratories in the selection of test apparatus, conduct of tests, and presentation of floodlight performance data.
The publication contains 50 pages, 23 figures and 4 tables.
The following members of TC 2.4 took part in the preparation of this Technical Report:
- V. Ahponen, Finland
- J.B. Aizenberg, USSR
- L.M. Anacleto, Portugal
- A. Augdal, Norway
- R. Baron, Spain
- M.G. Bassett, Canada
- H.L. Cahn, Israel
- B.D. Collins, Great Britain
- U. Dagnino, Italy
- J. Demathieu, France
- P. Dobrev, Bulgaria
- E. Frederiksen, Denmark (Chair up to 1975)
- T. Furuya, Japan
- P. Hornak, Czechoslovakia
- A.R. Jaeger, USA
- J. Jahrei, Norway
- W. Kebschull, Germany
- J. Kossakowski, Poland
- H. Lund Jessen, Denmark
- N. Margan, Rumania
- P. Massart, Belgium (Chair from 1975)
- A.C. McNamara, USA
- J.J.B. Moerman, The Netherlands
- B.O. Møller, Denmark
- V.A. Muntz, Australia
- M. Nonaka, Japan
- A. Ottoson, Sweden
- R. Pagès, France
- R. Pereira Cardoso, Portugal
- V. Planinsek, Yugoslavia
- J.W. Smit, South Africa
- V. Stefanova, Bulgaria
- H.F. Stephenson, Great Britain
- W. Staskiewicz, Poland
- Z.S. Subotich, Bulgaria
- T. Timonen, Finland
- G. Vandermeersch, Belgium
- V. Vincze, Hungary
- R. Walthert, Switzerland
- E. Wiesner, Austria
- D. Willing, Germany
- J.G. Holmes, Great Britain
- W.A. Price, Great Britain
- J.C Procter, Great Britain
- R.H. Simons, Great Britain