CIE 1931 chromaticity coordinates of spectrum loci, 2 degree observer |
CIE standard illuminant D50 |
CIE alpha-opic action spectra |
CIE 1931 colour-matching functions, 2 degree observer |
CIE spectral luminous efficiency for photopic vision |
CIE 1964 chromaticity coordinates of spectrum loci, 10 degree observer |
CIE 1964 colour-matching functions, 10 degree observer |
CIE 2006 LMS cone fundamentals for 2° field size in terms of energy |
CIE 2006 LMS cone fundamentals for 10° field size in terms of energy |
CIE alpha-opic action spectra |
Components of the relative spectral distribution of daylight |
CIE cone-fundamental-based spectral tristimulus values for 2 degree field size |
CIE cone-fundamental-based spectral luminous efficiency function for 2° field size in terms of energy |
CIE cone-fundamental-based spectral tristimulus values for 10°field size |
CIE cone-fundamental-based spectral luminous efficiency function for 10° field size in terms of energy |
CIE indoor daylight illuminant ID50 |
CIE indoor daylight illuminant ID65 |
CIE maximum luminous efficacy for mesopic vision at varied adaptation coefficient values |
CIE reference spectrum L41 |
Relative spectral power distributions of CIE illuminant C |
Relative spectral power distributions of CIE illuminant D55 |
Relative spectral power distributions of CIE illuminant D75 |
Relative spectral power distributions of high pressure discharge lamp illuminants |
Relative spectral power distributions of illuminants representing typical fluorescent lamps, 1nm wavelength steps |
Relative spectral power distributions of illuminants representing typical LED lamps |
Relative spectral power distributions of illuminants representing typical LED lamps, 1nm spacing |
CIE spectral luminous efficiency for photopic vision |
CIE spectral luminous efficiency for 10 degree photopic vision |
Spectral radiance factors of 14 test samples for the CIE colour rendering index calculation |
Relative spectral power distributions of illuminants representing typical fluorescent lamps |
CIE spectral luminous efficiency for mesopic vision at adaptation coefficient m = 0.8 |
CIE spectral luminous efficiency for scotopic vision |
CIE spectral MacLeod-Boynton chromaticity coordinates for 2 degree field size |
Spectral radiance factors of 99 test samples for the CIE colour fidelity index calculation |
Spectral radiance factors of 99 test samples for the CIE colour fidelity index calculation, 1nm wavelength steps |
CIE standard illuminant A - 1 nm |
CIE standard illuminant D50 |
CIE standard illuminant D65 |
Values of the first deviation function used in the calculation of the CIE special metamerism index for a change in observer |
Spectral radiance factors for the 15 test-colour samples in CQS 9.0, 5nm wavelength steps |
Spectral radiance factors of each colour (RYGB) of the four-colour combination, 5nm wavelength steps |
Spectral radiance factors of test-colour sample #15 of the Japanese skin complexion, 5nm wavelength steps |